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iT8SF - [iNformation Technology 8 SF]

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Sep 01, 2003 7:34 pm SEP 01 - For Release

Hi everyone,

A short announcement: Can each of you please activate the contact release information on the top portion of your ryze webpage. e.g. e-mail, messenger, phone, etc. I need to compile a member spreadsheet with a Contact Manager's List before anything else. Comments and/or suggestions are welcomed. Thank you.


To existing members..... Thanks for not only joining the network BUT hanging in there with me!!

The IT8SF Network started with a cumalative zero member launch in 03/2002 YET it took a good 18 months [9 months back to back]; yielding the growth to an approximate 93-94 as of 08/2003. Amazing..... how evolution takes place, when you just plant the SEED.

Therefore, please applaud along with me, the welcoming of our new members who joined recently. It was with their addition in numbers that led the sum to reach that mark!!

....... I have always believed in a strong TEAMWORK. Mathematically, any project would produce great results simply because there are laws and principalities when two and two are put together. A sum has to evolve.


Hope all is going well with everyone, your families, personal pursuits and professional endeavors.

Yup, it's near that time of closure FY 2003 is zeroing in the 4th quarter.

October 2003 is the beginning of the Government cycle for 2004. Therefore, I would like to suggest the open opportunities members of the IT8SF Network have to become more actively involved; posting feedback, questions, and commentaries on the message board (on a more regular basis).

Being that the network has growned from 1 member to 94 members [cumalative since 03/2002], it only gives me "THE GO TO" - Press On Attitude, which justifies the ff:

[1] creating a portal for IT Professionals to meetGreet, network peers and interact, is one positive way to build rapport and enhance a business relationship,

[2] design, develop, and implement, an established san francisco First-Tier [preSource]IT consulting / Network service providers with the Government Industries, including the adjustment to this new corporate enterprinism we are entering into.

The outcome and results out of the two endeavors [if pursued} can only be accomplished if we all come to some kind of medium.

I have encountered a great situation at cost, which could have been prevented, and that was:

That the length of time it takes to:

Developing a niche,
create your ideology,
branding your specialty and services,
business/social events,

takes just as much the same time and at a higher cost to:

prepare a professional portfolio that is (standardized YET versatile} to meet the need and/or demand of a small, medium, or large project, by scope, job and task work.

packaging the submission to response any or all contractual appointment opportunities and "hope" to win a bid for future or forthcoming projects in the pipeline.

the hardest part is the realization that with the highly competitive environment we "live to work in" VICE "work to live in", can be a cumbersome and tecnaticious struggle and effort to endure.

The Migration of newly inventive projects, products, and services would not meet the qualitive and quantitive requirements the life cycle and life span it demands when the level of productivity is weak and unstable from the ground up.

I firmly believe "We can do IT!" but I need a TEAM. A TEAM that spells out the word Reliability & Accountability with the 5 P's :: Precision, Performance, Practicality, Price :: Pia D'or.

Fortunately., I still have faith; faith that gave me hope. Hope that I can one day believe again in our System. A system which made our AMERICA; the America; for all the America's on which it stands;

and toMorrow

To become "recognized", established, and accepted [locally, Nationally, or Worldwide] as First-Tier [preSource, oneSource, or outSource] in the Government Industries and Organizations, we have to make a presence and be known ........ not by the external , but within ourselves and internal environment created by RYZE:: our super Hero Adrian Scott TM.

Cheers and best to all,

PIA D'OR San Francisco
Developer [New Business]
Information TRADE and TRANSPORT Technologies

Private Reply to P I A D'OR (new win)

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